Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jeremiah Bible Journaling

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! Today I am sharing another page from my Bible from the book of Jeremiah. It's all about letting go and letting God take over. Don't stress, don't worry, because HE has your back, today, tomorrow and always. I know I say it every time, but I find this so freeing, so therapeutic, like nothing I have done before. I'm still learning to draw, but am getting better, lol.. This photo was one I found from Sandra Vandergeest on google.. So this is what started the inspiration for this page. Hope you all have a fabulously wonderful day... until next time.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. Wowwwwwwwwww! This is just gorgeous! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Paso por su blog frecuentemente y me dejo llevar por la emoción al ver que alguien puede encontrar en Dios la inspiración perfecta. Voy a buscarme una Biblia que no se use y voy a comenzar a hacer esos ejercicios, o quizás lo haga en un journal, no se, pero me ha dado una inspiración feliz.


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.