Thursday, January 7, 2016

Pray - Documented Faith

Pray Bible Page by Lynn Shokoples
 Good Morning! Happy Thursday to everyone! This year I am picking a few things to do for the entire year. One year it was a photo a day! Last year it was tracking my food for a year! This year I have chosen several projects. One is the weekly prompt at Documented Faith. The other project I have chosen is One Little Word by Ali Edwards. I was out at the cabin this last week, so I was busy planning how I was going to organize these two things? What kind of binders? Maybe journals? Yikes... I'm still planning! But what I did do, was take the prompt for the month of January at Documented Faith and did a page in my Bible. I couldn't do it on the page from the reading for this week because I already had journaled there, so I picked a verse from Thessalonians. The word for the month is PRAY! I will post some pages from my journal when I have it all ready.

Now on to "One Little Word".. have you picked a word? Mine is:
I will post some pages from the class as I dive in to those this week! I'm so looking forward to the year and doing something new for 365 days! ( A side note... I still take a photo a day and track my food! I guess after a year, it just becomes part of your day, lol). So cheers to 2016 and new adventures!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. I like that word "balance". Happy new year. Good for you for tracking your food. I have a hard time with that.

  2. Loveeeeeee this! And loving your OLW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.