Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Closer Than Close by Dave Hickman - Book Review

( Click on the Photo to buy this book at Amazon)

Good Morning Everyone! Today I want to share some thoughts on the amazing book by Dave Hickman called "Closer than Close" that Tyndale House graciously sent me to review. I can not say enough great things about this book, it has become one of my all time favourites! I think I've highlighted most of the book!

Now what is this book about? It's about the relationship Jesus wants to have with you. How many times have we said "I would love to be closer to God, but I don't know how". Do you need to pray more? Maybe read more? Maybe go out and serve your community more? Well Dave answers those questions and more! He starts off by saying "We need to first of all do nothing". Nothing? Do Nothing? Did you know you are already perfect in God's eyes? He knows you intimately already? Dave shows you how to open your hearts and minds to God unending love and mercy. Through his personal journey, he guides you into the perfect relationship with God.

I personally could not put this book down. I wanted to highlight every line. Dave made the bible verses come to life for me. His easy way of writing helped me understand questions that I've had for a very long time. He doesn't preach, He shares his story and the story of others who have shared this journey to become closer to God. He helped me face my "false self" as he calls it, the "self" that is constantly trying to win God's approval. I loved this line in the book " For the better part of my life, I too have lived with such a great longing to be close to God that I failed to look (consider) just how close God has been ( and continues to be) in my life. This was a real eye opener for me. 

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is on the path to wanting to have a closer relationship with God. Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have. 

 Have a wonderful day! Lynn

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