Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A Day at the Beach - Book Review

How does a day at the beach sound? Pretty relaxing right? Sun, sand and beautiful ocean waves! Authors and brothers Todd and Jedd Hafer teach us through their daily devotions how to relax and immerse ourselves in the word of God. Through prayer and reflection we can learn to unplug from our daily hustle and bustle and pause. To get to the root of what God wants for us and for our lives.

I love the following passage from the book :
We create so much unnecessary hoopla in our own regularly scheduled programming. We plan, we implement, and we work hard… and get frustrated when nothing comes of it. Desperate and empty, we finally look to Jesus as a last resort — because we don’t recognize who He is. And sometimes, really, all He’s asking is that we come join Him and take part in what He’s prepared and created. The rest will come.
So declutter your mind of plans, schedules, and “to do” lists. Instead, look out upon the waves, wiggle your toes in the sand, absorb the sights, smells, and sounds, and enjoy the moment for what it is — not what it means, not what lies ahead, not how you arrived here. There will be another time for that. For now, just be present with Him."

Need I say more... it's about finding what matters, what's important and how to live in the present each moment with God. Each devotion doesn't take long to read, but it gets you pondering your life and how you can get closer to God. A fabulous read! I was so graciously gifted this book from Tyndale House for my honest review.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

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