Monday, January 28, 2013

Be Yourself

Morning!! You know what I love about learning to Art Journal? You can try a zillion different styles and colors. If you can believe, my intention was a "white space" journaling page. I know.. "where is the white space?".. it's there, just look under the paint, lol.  I also usually do brown ink, but this one got the jet black ink pad, lol. Smear, smudge, stamp and glue...trying something new every time! So out of my comfort zone, but I just had to try! Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. Just gorgeous Lynn. Love the layered collaged effect.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. You may think you are out of your comfort zone, but it looks to me like you are coming into your new Zone. Love that you are doing new things. Keep smiling and creating

  3. just soo stunning love the layering and how you did with paint ,gesso ...

    hugs carla

  4. I'm loving all of your art journal pages! Love the stamping and the layers. Beautiful "non" white space! lol

  5. Love the mix of color in this one! Keep practicing! Maybe one day...white spaces will be you! ( but it looks great anyways) :)

  6. this is a really neat one Lynn, one of these days I need to try this, your journal must be looking fab!!

  7. Cool page great work again!

  8. This one is striking Lynn and it looks like you've been art journaling for years, love the layers of paper and stamping.

  9. This is beautiful! LOVING the colors and the layers!!!!

  10. Loving your art journal. So truly amazing

  11. Gorgeous layers! I always love your journal pages!

  12. Oh, white space is overrated. lol!! This is gorgeous, stunning!! Love the mix of designs/colors! ~ Blessings, Tracey


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.