Monday, October 5, 2015

Proverbs 28 - Bible Journaling

 Good Morning and a Happy Monday! Today I'm sharing a page I did for a challenge that Rebekah Jones posts each week.   She not only has a scripture challenge, but also does an amazing video tutorial which shows new techniques to try each week. I have done a few that I will share in another post, but this is one of the firsts one's I did. She also has an amazing facebook page called "Bible Art Journaling Challenge", where you can post your work and see what other artists are doing. So much inspiration and a very encouraging group. I hope your all enjoying your Monday.. I'm off to create.. so until next time!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

1 comment:

I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.