Friday, October 2, 2015

Proverbs 11:2 Bible Journaling

Proverbs 11:2 Bible Journal Page by Lynn Shokoples
Good Morning! I would love to share another page in my Journaling Bible with you all. This is a page I did for a challenge at Glory Art Scripture Challenge, which is part of Patter Cross's Blog. She also has a facebook page to join, where you can share you art there as well. This latest challenge was about Humility. How many of us are truly humble? It was quite an awakening to read the study and reflect on how humble I am in my life. I think I have some work to do. When I came across this photo from Sorendreir on google, I teared up looking at it. How humble they both look together, and I just had to include it in my journal. Until next time.... I am off to continue my journey.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

1 comment:

I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.