Friday, January 22, 2016

Balance -Why it's my One Little Word

I enrolled in a class by Ali Edwards called One Little Word on New Years Eve. "Balance" was the word I chose, or shall I say, the word chose me. Why? I guess my word and I will find that out on the journey we are embarking on.

So now the journey has begun. What does "Balance" look like? It looks like a meditating yogi sitting on a cushion free from stress right? Or does it look like a mom, a wife, a designer, a business owner trying to figure out how to do it all, do it right, and do it on time? That's where balance comes in.

Balance means finding that intricate measure of taking care of yourself, others, and all the other "life" stuff in between. It means having pizza when you are too tired to cook and say "Hey it's ok". Or maybe it's taking a day in your pj's in your studio playing with paint and stencils all day and not feeling "guilty" ( ohhh that word makes me shudder).  Maybe, just maybe , are you ready for it? Saying "NO" once in awhile ( now that's a tough one for me).

Balance comes easy when I'm sitting out at the cabin in my cozy chair, sipping tea and watching the sunset. Things seem so simple, so easy, and my life there is in balance. But then the day comes when you have to pack up and come back to the "city house" as we call it. When we open the door, that's when I need to bring "balance" in my life again. I'm really thinking I should move to the country where life is just balanced with little effort.

Balance is about accepting who you are, and that means digging. Digging deep. That's what this year is about. Finding out who I am, being ok with it and learning to love me, limitations and all!!

But I have questions!!! And this year on my journey I will be working on answering them. It's about hope, prayer, willingness and observance. It's about balance!(there's that word again). Laughing and crying, praying and being thankful, walking and dancing in a field of wildflowers, being a mom and being a friend, you get the gist.. I strive to be "enough". An amazing quote I read today from Krista O'Reilly

What if I never really amount to anything when I grow up – beyond mom and sister and wife. But these people in my primary circle of impact know they are loved and that I would choose them again, given the choice. Can this be enough?

I'm learning, slowly that I am enough, I will be ok, I will achieve balance in all
aspects of my life.  

Now a few projects I want to share:
This is my One Little Word Binder Cover.
My symbol for the year is a bicycle.
Bicycle = Balance
I shared some of my binder pages in the post

This is a page I did in my Bible Art Journal
from the prompts at Art By Erin Leigh
where she does Faith Art Fridays.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Bicycle Image by:


  1. love the use of a bicycle as your symbol!

  2. Balance and a bike...perfect! Remember once you can do it you never forget how 😉 A great addition to such a busy mum life. Good luck with your journey I can't wait to see where it takes you.

  3. Lynn, I always admire how you manage to get things 'done' with grace and make it all seem effortless. I think we will all learn from your Balance journey, and hopefully you can share your insights along the way (with someone like me who needs balance too! ha ha) xoxox

  4. Thanks so much for your post, Lynn! I really enjoyed it, and your beautiful art. I also belong to Faith Art Journaling, as well as some other Bible Art Journaling sites. The Lord has been speaking, "Balance", to me too, prompting me to create a little something around the word, "Temperance". Not always too easy, but I thank God He is faithful to help us all along this life adventure.

  5. I loveeeeeee your OLW and loving the pages!!! GORGEOUS colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.