Wednesday, February 10, 2016

One Little Word - February

One Little Word February by Lynn Shokoples
 It's February and that means a new prompt at Ali Edwards One Little Word Class
I say it over and over again but this is one of the best classes I have ever taken and it's only month 2!
When I started I thought, ok, let's give it a try, not expecting any big miracles. Well, let me tell ya, I'm already blown away. Last month I tried putting my word into practice, and it started to make a difference in my day. This month we are trying to achieve something for the month. I chose exercise, because honestly it's been lacking these past few months! Ok, so how is my word "Balance" going to help here, I couldn't see it.. Well, I'm into the month and again am blown away. Just making the commitment to walk on my treadmill everyday has brought balance to my life. I am taking time for me! Balance is slowly being restored! I feel better, I feel more centered, I'm finding ME again!
One Little Word February by Lynn Shokoples
 Each month I don't have anything in mind for my binder, I'm just "goin' with the flow" so to speak. This month it was using up some of my BoBunny stash from last year which is Valentine themed, yet fun to use in my binder. And the big red stickers?? Gosh, how old are those?
One Little Word February by Lynn Shokoples
 See the bike?? I picked it as my "symbol" for the year. Riding a bike = balance! And I happen to have a few (cough) bicycle stamps that are coming in quite handy!
One Little Word February by Lynn Shokoples

One Little Word February by Lynn Shokoples
 I purposely left the last page undone so I can come back and do a reflection on how the month went.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day!



  1. Awesome read! You are right about balance! It's a great little word. Lovely art work on your planner Thank you for being one of the sweetest people on Facebook also. :-)

  2. These pages are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!! LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Nice post!! I like how you decided to do this - and using your stash!! I need to continue to do more of that! Great symbollism with the balance/bike idea!! I'm enjoying your posts. You are doing awesome Lynn!


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.