Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Calendar Girl Meets Secret Garden - BoBunny

Calendar Girl Planner by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Secret Garden Collection
 Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! Today I would like to share my Calendar Girl Planner from BoBunny that I am using for a bible study from Her Binder Project.  
I use the planner contents sheets and then each month choose a different collection to use along with it. This month I chose Secret Garden. Soft purples and greens, soothing pinks, it's such a lovely collection. 
Calendar Girl Planner by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Secret Garden Collection
 BoBunny has new Foil Vellum Sheets which are awesome for adding tip ins to your planners, bibles, whatever you please. Here I used one as a tip in, in the planner.
Calendar Girl Planner by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Secret Garden Collection
 For a little extra something something I used the new Amen Stamp Set and the Flower Power Stickable Stencil. I love to add little details!
Calendar Girl Planner by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Secret Garden Collection

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

BoBunny Supplies:
Patterned Paper: Trellis/ Secret Garden
Stickers: Combo Stickers/ Secret Garden
Foil Vellum: Secret Garden
Noteworthy: Secret Garden
Stamps: Amen Stamp Set
Double Dot Ink: Emerald
Pearlescents: Blush
Stickable Stencil: Flower Power
Planner Sheets: Calendar Girl
Binder: Misc.Me 8x9 Kraft Binder

1 comment:

I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.