Monday, November 1, 2010

In the Patch

The weather for Thanksgiving was so warm this year that we were able to be outside to do our family photos. We took some serious ones....then the fun began. We were trying continuous shooting on our camera so every few seconds everyone had to do another "pose". We had lots of fun...and I have tons of photos! Can't wait to scrap the rest of them! I found this sketch on sketchabilities and thought it was just perfect for the photos I wanted to use! Happy fall everyone! ( P.S. The snow has melted and it's fall again lol).


  1. The colors in your LO are gorgeous. Love the serious and sill photos!

  2. looks like a fun photo shoot! Great job with the sketch :)

  3. Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!!!

  4. what a wonderful page! those earthy tones are perfect for your pictures! thanks for playing at Sketchabilities!

  5. what a nice team!! great LO =)
    thanks for playing with us at sketchabilities =)

  6. Your LO has such a wonderful, warm feel! Fabulous take on the sketch- just love it!

  7. Beautiful page!!! I love colors!!!


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