Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sweet And Adorable

Welcome Baby Isla!!!
I'm a great aunt for the second time. Our new addition Isla Quinn was born on August 13th weighing a whopping 7 pounds! She is just too adorable for words!!

Yesterday was my trip to Urban Scrapbook to pick up my goodies for my next design team assignment. Well Pat sure challenged me this week. She gave me the new Crate Paper baby girl line to work with but then suggested I do a two page layout. It's been a long time since I've done one of those. I think back to a time where that's all I did. First I started with some plain pink cardstock. I inked, I misted, I got out my Prima template, it curled, I ironed, then I ended up covering up the whole thing, lol.  I had no idea where to even start until my sweet friend Kelly who had just done a sketch for Canadian Scrapbooker suggested that I go take a peek at her two page sketch! Well..after seeing her amazing layout..I was on my way. So thank you Kelly!!!! I just couldn't do a plain background so I decided to go for a "quilt" look. This layout took me all day to do, lol. I think it will be a gift for my mom who is so thrilled to be a great grandma again.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies by Urban Scrapbook
(Free shipping in Canada over $50) I'm liking this deal!!
Crate Paper Little Bo Peep Collection
               Tag Cuts
                         Cardstock Stickers
                           Chipboard Accents


  1. You did a fine job Lynn! She is a cutie. The folks at Urban Scrapbooks will be pleased!

  2. She is soooooooooo beautiful!!! I love love love your lo!! I loveeeeeeeeee the colors, the photos and loveeeeeeeeeee the grid design!!!!!

  3. This turned out AMAZING, Lynn! And you're worried about new product and a double page spread! lol! Hope you submit it to CS :)

  4. Great take on the sketch Lynn. congrats on your new grand neice. She's gorgeous! This paper is also beautiful! Love the quilt inspired background you've created!

  5. Hi wow this is soooo much adorableness soooo beautiful Design

    hugs carla

  6. Such sweet photos Lynn, and you picked a perfect collection to go with them!! I love the grid you created in the background with the pp squares!! Such a pretty double pager!!

  7. Gorgeous pages, Lynn!! You rocked these supplies out of your normal color pallet!! I used to do a lot of 2-pagers too. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  8. What a pretty baby! And you made some gorgeous spreads, too!

  9. Congrats on your new niece!! Love the layout and thanks for the sweet comments on my blog!

  10. Lynn, this is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love how the pages look like a quilt, you really rocked this one, this line is gorgeous and Crate would be proud of how you used it :) the photos are adorable too :) also, congrats on your book being published in the previous post, that is awesome!!

  11. this is such a sweet LO! love the colors and the squares of pp!

  12. Soooo pretty!! Yes you can scrap cutesy!! Adorable lo!!


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.