Saturday, August 15, 2015

Walk Humbly With Your God - Bible Journal

Good Morning Friends! Today I have something new to share with you. I have started creating in my bible journal. When I first heard about this new art form I was skeptical. I said to my sister who introduced me to it "how can someone deface the bible?". Then I began to research and realized these are special bibles to journal in, create in, and I was intrigued. I have been scrapbooking and doing art journal pages for years now, so this really fascinated me. I love to art journal, but I always wanted to pages to "mean" something to me. When I read my first passage in the bible, and idea came right to me. I searched google for some inspiration and found this photo of runners.It was scary to begin drawing and painting on those precious pages. For me, this is a way for me to express myself with my art and also study the bible. I really feel I have found my way. I also found some wonderful facebook groups whom I will tell you about in my next post.So, this is the first page I'm sharing and I have a few more to share as well.. thank you for letting me tell my story and share my art with you all.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. Wow wow wow!! This is just gorgeous!!!!!!

  2. Wow, this is awesome. I'm still in the admiring stage as my craft supplies are upstairs and Bibles down. Wonderful!

  3. I'm so happy for you to have found this beautiful creative expression.....this is just incredible! Looking forward to following your bible journaling journey. xox

  4. Gorgeous Lynn, would you share where you got your bible journal? I'd be very grateful.

  5. I love it! What a wonderful way to illustrate this verse! I hope you continue to feel inspired by The Word and enjoy this new way to journal!


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.