Monday, January 11, 2016

One Little Word - January

One Little Word January Page by Lynn Shokoples
 Hi! Today I'm sharing another project I have on the go for 2016. I came across the One Little Word Class by Ali Edwards on New Years Eve and couldn't resist! I had already picked my word which is "Balance" and am excited to work on bringing this word into focus for 2016. Balance is definitely something I need in life!
One Little Word January Page by Lynn Shokoples
 I had bought this little album at Michael's a few weeks ago.. just because, lol... no reason, it was cute, I would find a use for it, lol. When I saw how Ali did her album I was all geared up for black and white, simple, graphic! Well.. as I discovered if you don't know what your "Style" is, you will soon find out when you try something else. I discovered I can't do ONLY black and white. I need that touch of color! And I'm also not simple.. I like doo dads! Stamps, cards, stickers, pens.. I just feel compelled to do it! But that's just me, and once again I tried to slow down, breathe and just go with the prompts and take my time.
One Little Word January Page by Lynn Shokoples
 So these are the first few pages. I'm excited to see what comes up next month. Do you have a word for 2016? I would love to know what it is! Now onto the next project...the cover for this binder.. who knows where that will take me.. (Update: I scheduled my post and then figured out the cover, so I thought I would show you it... simple but yet shabby, lol)

One Little Word Binder Cover by Lynn Shokoples

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh I loveeeeeeeee this! I have always done a OLW, but never made a book about it ... I might have to do this! :)


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