Monday, March 14, 2016

Be The Light Misc.Me - BoBunny

Be the Light Misc.Me pages by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Believe Collection
 Good Morning! I'm back with another project from the Believe Collection from BoBunny that was featured on the BoBunny Blog last week.  
I love the 8x9 pages where the pocket squares fit perfectly into the sleeves. It's a lot of fun choosing which cards to use, when you want to use them all!!!! Then there are the Amen Stamps. Oh my word I am in love with those. I stamped every card, lol. I just can't get enough of this collection. Have an awesome day... until next time...

  Be the Light Misc.Me pages by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Believe Collection

Be the Light Misc.Me pages by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Believe Collection

Be the Light Misc.Me pages by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Believe Collection

Be the Light Misc.Me pages by Lynn Shokoples for BoBunny featuring the Believe Collection

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

BoBunny Supplies:
Stickers: Combo Stickers, Clear Stickers/Believe
Chipboard: Believe
Noteworthy: Believe
Journaling Cards: Believe
Pocket Squares: Believe
Stamps: Amen
Double Dot Ink : Licorice
Stamp Block Set

Album: Misc. Me Life Journal 8x9
Page Protectors: Misc. Me 8x9 Pocket Squares

1 comment:

I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.