Wednesday, March 16, 2016

One Little Word Mood Board

Mood Board for One Little Word by Lynn Shokoples
 Good Morning!
 Our prompt this month in my One Little Word Class by Ali Edwards was to make a mood board! I had never made one before so I was intrigued. I needed magazines!! I just recycled all of mine when we did our "minimize" clean a few months back. So I phone my mom in a panic, and low and behold she had magazines. Yeah! So I start ripping and tearing trying to decide how big to make it. I then went to our facebook group and saw some of the digital boards people were doing. I was intrigued once again. Digital you say?? I have photoshop, how hard can it be? lol.. To shorten the story, we go out to the cabin and have no internet, and that means No facebook, No instagram, No Pinterest. Talk about going off the grid. So I had plenty of time to learn how to make a mood board! I found this awesome blog Becoming the Boss.(and thankfully saved everything to take with me)
She shared templates, tutorials, shortcuts! And in no time I learnt how to make my first mood board. I was so excited I must have made 10! So it's on it's way to be printed and I will hang it in my studio making room of course for my next mood board!!
What I learned!
I found out a bit about myself doing this mood board. I have been termed "earthy organic" in the scrappy world, and that seemed to really come through in my board. I like earthy colors, the outdoors and vintage things. I also noticed my lack of "words" on my board. I have collected quotes for years, yet didn't use any. I guess this time, the pictures spoke to me.  The "real" me came through on this board. Baggy sweaters, books, blankets, bracelets and my love of clocks. I'm glad I just "went with it", no thought no plan. So this is me, the real me.. as I shake my hand and say "nice to meet you", you've been hiding for awhile.

Since doing my post, my photo was ready!! Heading up to the Studio to hang it up!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. Loveeeeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Great job looks lovely and if it mirrors the real you that's awesome🌟

  3. This is gorgeous!! I am loving getting to know you on the group!

  4. Your mood board turned out great. I love digital especially being minimalist. I choose the same word for my word of the year. I think I'll make my own mood board now. Thanks for the inspiration.


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.