Monday, April 18, 2016

Devotional Art Cards - Joshua

Joshua Devotional Art Cards by Lynn Shokoples
 Morning! Hope your day is bright and sunny. Today I'm sharing some of my Devotional Art Cards I had made from the Book of Joshua and my Woman's Devotional Bible. I can't even explain the power of these daily devotionals. The questions really make you think. I am really enjoying it. I am also enjoying making the cards with my questions and answers. It's very enlightening to go back and read your responses. So..that's all for today! I hope you all have a wonderful day and a beautiful week. Until next time...
Just a Note:
(If you like these cards I do weekly video tutorials on YouTube where I share how to make
some of the cards I share here)
Joshua Devotional Art Cards by Lynn Shokoples

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

 Affiliate Disclosure: I am so blessed to be able to share and create content free of charge. In order to do this, please note that when you click links and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links is very much appreciated. All the items are supplies that I personally use and recommend. Thank you again for your support.

1 comment:

I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.