Sunday, April 3, 2016

Journal Cards Galore

Journal Cards from Lot95Designs on Etsy for Bible Journaling
Hi everyone!! Today I decided to work in my Inspire Bible. I want to use this Bible to mostly take notes in. I hope one day my kids will pick it up and read all my prayers, personal entries and thoughts. It's a bible, but a personal journal as well, sharing struggles, tears of joy, real life moments and glorious answered prayers. I've been taking notes in my e-bible since the summer, so I have a lot of notes to transfer over. It has been an experience reading these again, seeing how life changed in only a few short months.

I'm sure some of you know I struggle with Essential Tremor, which means I my hands shake, a lot some days, so I don't do a lot of writing. I mostly journal on my computer. So this is how the idea of ALL these journaling cards came to be.

I also know that most of you already know about my Etsy shop ( cuz I keep reminding you), but the reason it came to be is that I want to help other people that need to journal on their computers. All the items I sell, I make and I use myself. It's personal to me... it's not just there to make money. Let's just say I won't be retiring anytime soon, lol.. but my goal  as it's always been is to help people. So I make it affordable and available. All the cards that I'm using are in my Etsy Shop as of 2am last night, lol...


Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn


  1. You are so awesome!!! And your cards are fabulous!! ❤️

  2. Love your work! You have inspired me to create in a new way. Thank You

  3. I love all of your creative projects, and now that you're sharing them with the world on Etsy is even BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.