Tuesday, August 2, 2016

One Little Word - July WrapUp

 Good Morning Folks! Today I wanted to share my July Pages from my One Little Word binder. I will be honest, it took me awhile to get into the prompt, but once I did..things went pretty smoothly. July was about our "manifesto". I couldn't pick just one statement so I used a subway art poster that had many of the words that kept popping up. For fun I made all my words through the pages "hastags".

To achieve Balance I have to "let go". There are so many things that I think I can control, I don't stop, be still and just enjoy the moment. Well that has to change. I'm reviewing an excellent book by Dave Hickman called "Closer than Close", which about our relationship with our God. I am at the part where he talks about "doing nothing", slowing down, really appreciating every moment and every wonder in our world. Stop and smell the roses they say.. well there is something to that! It's now August, month 8, and balance and I are still struggling to get it right. I've made a few changes though. Taking time to sit outside more, reading a bit more, even went back to my old friend the treadmill. It's a start! When I get off track, my OLW gives me that gentle nudge, the little wink and smile. I know what I have to do... I just want to know why it's so hard!

 I am finding that my bible journaling also compliments what I am trying to achieve in my OLW. I found the journaling cards in the new Journal, were perfect for my pages as a gentle reminder. Maybe together they can get me moving towards Balance.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

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1 comment:

I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.