Thursday, August 30, 2012

Toil & Trouble

I know, I know..your all saying "What's she doing posting a Halloween layout in August?". Well let me explain, lol. The girls at Urban Scrapbook are busy decorating the store for Fall, so Pat said "Hey Lynn, would you like to use the new Authentique and do a Halloween layout?". Well of course I was happy to oblige, lol. I got out my black distress crackle and gave it a whirl. Now if only I can figure out how to get it off the and learn my friends. I even gave the layout a shot of Goosebumps (can't really see them). It was fun to do something grungy, well my form of grungy anyways. My sister sent me this photo of her daughter Laya and Aaron last Halloween when I told her about my latest project, so thanks Char!. His makeup was just amazing. When he showed up at my door I just couldn't stop staring. So Happy Halloween in August my friends!!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies: Authentique Enchanted Collection "Haunted", "Charmed","Bewitched", "Glowing", "Spooked", "Spellbound". Distress Crackle Black, Black Ink,  Stickers: Authentique Enchanted "Details"


  1. WOW! Super layout! I'm loving that line of Halloween papers! I really love the design too!

  2. Love your layout. I love your pattern papers and little tags.

  3. Wow, I love the layout, design and I recognize that lovely young lady!

  4. Love the layout Lynn! I have been making some Halloween layouts myself, so I understand! Love those costumes in the pic too!

  5. This is soooooooooooo fun!!! I love love love love that photo, the Halloween goodies and LOVING the bubble paint!!!! SO AWESOME!!!!

  6. wow this is an awesome layout. I love the colors so deep!!

  7. this is so cute Lynn, Halloween layouts are the one's I have the most trouble with and my oldest son was born on Halloween, so you'd think I would be used to those kind of layouts! lol...I also love the one from your previous post, lots of pretty colors there, always beautiful!

  8. This looks like awfully sweet toil and trouble!! :-) Love the black crackle!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  9. Niiiice!!! Love the grundge look.. Looove!!

  10. Nice job grudging it up! Love the background! An inspiration!


I so appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. I love to read them, they make me smile! Blessings for a beautiful day.