Thursday, August 30, 2012

Toil & Trouble

I know, I know..your all saying "What's she doing posting a Halloween layout in August?". Well let me explain, lol. The girls at Urban Scrapbook are busy decorating the store for Fall, so Pat said "Hey Lynn, would you like to use the new Authentique and do a Halloween layout?". Well of course I was happy to oblige, lol. I got out my black distress crackle and gave it a whirl. Now if only I can figure out how to get it off the and learn my friends. I even gave the layout a shot of Goosebumps (can't really see them). It was fun to do something grungy, well my form of grungy anyways. My sister sent me this photo of her daughter Laya and Aaron last Halloween when I told her about my latest project, so thanks Char!. His makeup was just amazing. When he showed up at my door I just couldn't stop staring. So Happy Halloween in August my friends!!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies: Authentique Enchanted Collection "Haunted", "Charmed","Bewitched", "Glowing", "Spooked", "Spellbound". Distress Crackle Black, Black Ink,  Stickers: Authentique Enchanted "Details"

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Morning Again, lol... Yesterday I was at Urban Scrapbook picking up my next page assignments and came home with this Simple Stories line. What fun little stickers they have. I liked the country fall feel to the project. My assignment was to use the "Snap Pockets". I used the little ones at the bottom and popped the stickers off the page with some pop dots. I used the big pocket for my background for the photos. It didn't turn out quite the way I thought it would, but it's always a journey right? I used the sketch over at Crafting Family for some inspiration on my project. This is my first time playing along!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies: Simple Stories Harvest Fare "Homespun", Harvest Blessings", "Homemade Happiness", Fundamental Cardstock Stickers, Snap Pockets, Tim Holtz Distress Ink Walnut

Bo Bunny - Detour Layout Class with Guess Who?

Morning everyone! I was excited to see this sneak peek of the new Bo Bunny class that's starting in September. It's a layout class featuring the new Detour collection. And..(drum roll please)... my layouts are the two in the class!! It was one of the first assignments I had as a guest designer. I was sooooo nervous. It's one thing to put up my layouts on my blog...but having them featured in a class??? YIKES! It was alot of fun playing with the collection though. That's all for today my friends, I just wanted to share my news! Hope your all having a Scrap Fabulous Day!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sweet And Adorable

Welcome Baby Isla!!!
I'm a great aunt for the second time. Our new addition Isla Quinn was born on August 13th weighing a whopping 7 pounds! She is just too adorable for words!!

Yesterday was my trip to Urban Scrapbook to pick up my goodies for my next design team assignment. Well Pat sure challenged me this week. She gave me the new Crate Paper baby girl line to work with but then suggested I do a two page layout. It's been a long time since I've done one of those. I think back to a time where that's all I did. First I started with some plain pink cardstock. I inked, I misted, I got out my Prima template, it curled, I ironed, then I ended up covering up the whole thing, lol.  I had no idea where to even start until my sweet friend Kelly who had just done a sketch for Canadian Scrapbooker suggested that I go take a peek at her two page sketch! Well..after seeing her amazing layout..I was on my way. So thank you Kelly!!!! I just couldn't do a plain background so I decided to go for a "quilt" look. This layout took me all day to do, lol. I think it will be a gift for my mom who is so thrilled to be a great grandma again.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies by Urban Scrapbook
(Free shipping in Canada over $50) I'm liking this deal!!
Crate Paper Little Bo Peep Collection
               Tag Cuts
                         Cardstock Stickers
                           Chipboard Accents

I'm Published!!

I'm so excited! I just got my issue of Canadian Scrapbook Magazine and they published my whole mini album. I was thinking maybe they would publish the cover in some corner of the magazine, so I was really surprised to see the whole album. So..yeahhhhh and whoohooo, lol.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Family - Frosted Designs

Today at Frosted Designs we have a new sketch reveal. I love when I see a sketch that looks frilly and I look at those flowers and go...YEAH! I just can't help doing wedding layouts when I see a romantic sketch. Remember I do have 1100 of them, lol. This is a photo of Chris, Nicole, Michael (Chris's dad), my husband Clint and myself. We are now one big family! I know summer if flying by, but I hope you can stop by and play along with us!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies : Graphic 45 Kraft Reflections Collection "Glimpse of Paris","Before Your Time","Bits & Pieces", Wilton Doily, Flowers" Color Me Crazy", Tim Holtz Distress Ink "Vintage Photo", Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist " Nuget", Stampendous Clear Stamps

Monday, August 20, 2012

To Draw You Must Close Your Eyes and Sing

It's Monday!! That means another sketch reveal at Let's Get Sketchy! Thanks to Bev, we had this fabulous sketch to work with. When I saw this photo of Ryan & Ashley, I knew I just had to scrap it. They take the funnest photos! With the black and white they were wearing I thought I would go for the vintage look and use up the rest of my Graphic 45. I hope you can join us this week, I love to see my friends layouts! So everyone, enjoy your day, hope the sun is shining!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies: Graphic 45 Kraft Reflections Collection "Quote-Unquote", "Bed of Roses","Bits & Pieces","Glimpse of Paris", Tim Holtz Distress Ink "Walnut"

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My BIG BOY and my Little Girl

 I just had to share some photos, lol. Now this is our family in April 2012...notice the tiny puppy in my arms. This is the day we brought Jax home at 8 weeks old. Little Daisy is cuddling with Nicole and Ashley.
 Now...Jump ahead to August...Miss Daisy is growing but still my little girl. 6 months just 4 little boy has grown into a REALLY BIG BOY! And to think he has 6 more months of growing to do. But..I wouldn't trade them for the world. The are full of cuddles and kisses and make me smile and laugh every day!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bo Bunny - Choose Happiness

Woohooooo! I'm so excited to announce on my blog that I was asked to be a Guest Designer at Bo Bunny using their amazing new fall and winter collections. Today our assignment was to do "creative journaling". I made a little envelope using the patterned paper from the Serenade collection and then for the journaling, cut out a tag from the cut outs. I also fussy cut some of the flowers and used pop dots to lift them off the page a little. The photo is one we took of Nicole on our last trip to Calgary. We did a day trip to Banff, and she quickly became our "model" for the day! I hope you can stop by and check out our fabulous design team and see what they did with this challenge!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies: Bo Bunny Serenade Collection. Patterned Paper " Dragonfly", "Garden", "Pendant","Dot", "Trellis". Cut Outs, Noteworthy, Brads, Dimensional Stickers, Layered Chipboard

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Together Forever - Frosted

Well summer has finally arrived and so has another sketch at Frosted Designs. I was really looking forward to using this sketch. I haven't had the doilies and the flowers out for awhile, so I was pretty excited. In honor of Nicole's and Chris's anniversary I thought I would do a wedding photo of them. I can't wait to head over to the blog and see what the designers did with this one. So get out the doilies and lace and come join in the fun! See you there.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies: Glizt Designs, French Kiss Collection, "Floral", "Fleur","Script","Labels", Prima Flowers, Color Me Crazy Flowers, Tim Holtz Distress Ink "Vintage Photo", Tim Holtz Distress Stain "Peeled Paint", Kaiser Craft Crochet Doilies.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Simple Memories

Happy Monday my friends! I love Mondays! Most people love Friday, but Monday's mean a nice quiet house, time to scrap and a time to breathe after a hectic weekend. Today at Let's Get Sketchy we have our new sketch up by the very talented Jenessa Franco. This was a fun one to do. I always seem to have a photo handy of those two cute doodles, and with the Prima Sun Kiss Collection, it all just came together. I hope everyone is having a great sunny day and I hope to see you at Let's Get Sketchy!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Supplies: Prima Sun Kiss Collection, Tim Holtz Distress Ink "Vintage Photo", CTMH "Simple Memories" Stamp Set

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lazy Days

Is there anything better than those lazy days at the lake? The days when you just hang out, play in the water, soak up the sun, play in the sand? Yes, I'm talking about the day in the life of a Goldendoodle, lol. It's all about play and sleep. Well, I guess those are my days at the lake too, lol. My sweet friend Pat at Urban Scrapbook challenged me once again to use this collection from Bo Bunny to do a lake layout. Dark rich colors, looks like fall? I'm in love!!! With the sketch at Let's Capture These Sketches I was set! So much fun! Hope your all having a sunny and beautiful day!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

All Supplies By Urban Scrapbook

Just Married

I can't believe that it's been almost a year since Nicole & Chris got married. Time sure flies by. When I was at Urban Scrapbook, Pat gave me these beautiful papers and elements from the new Melissa Frances collection called Attic Treasures to design with. Perfect for a wedding layout. Pat asked if I had any wedding photos left...well maybe about 900, lol. It was fun to do a pretty and romantic layout. I just love being on the design team at Urban. I always get such beautiful product to play with, and Pat always throws in a challenge for me!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Unique Crafters - Glitter & Shine

Wow..August already? Well that means another challenge begins today at Unique Crafters. Our theme this month is "Glitter & Shine". So get out the stickles, the glitter, the gems and any other sparkly products hiding in your scraprooms!! I was excited because I got to use my Thickers and glitter for this card. I even took the stickles and glittered up my flower and the border. I usually don't use alot of glitter on my projects, so this took me out of my box! I used my MME 6x6 paper pack, which was perfect for a card. So many uses for those little paper packs. So I hope your all having a great day and hope you can stop by and play along!

Thanks so much for stopping by. I love reading your comments and I appreciate your scrappy support! Have a wonderfully happy scrappy day! Lynn